Cleaning, a sector undergoing rapid change, is now developing innovations.
The cleaning of computer systems, as well as the computerization of cleaning procedures, upset the supply of services in a competitive market.
Different trajectories of innovation appear, each with its own employment structure. The sector is becoming more professional, and its workforce is becoming more skilled.
In recent years, one of the most striking evolutions in cleaning has been the rise of technologies in the production process. These technologies are at the origin of a radical change like this activity, which has long been regarded as primarily manual.
The cleaning business has invested in the following main areas of technological innovation: robotics, tooling and small equipment, and information technology. Even households are now benefiting from the technological improvements!
In the research and development (R & D) departments of some large cleaning companies, the design, development, and production of robots and robots is a recent phenomenon. These robots were designed to replace human work and considerably improve productivity.
The robots created in recent years by the largest cleaning companies are process innovations that respond to a cost logic combined with a new quality logic.
Steam Cleaning
The “dry” steam cleaning technology allows the cleaning in place, in a congested environment, avoiding risky transshipments, saving transport dead times, and allowing an exceptional quality of cleaning and drying, without abrasion, without corrosion initiation, without Solvents or aggressive chemistry, while limiting discharges drastically.
Heavy Industries
• For the cleaning and maintenance of surfaces, machines, equipment in manufacturing industries, tools, parts, machine tools, assemblers, assembly lines, metal treatments …
• For the manufacture of parts and the cleaning and maintenance of surfaces, machines, equipment, degreasing of internal structures
Of sails, machining assemblies, tooling, etc
• For avionics maintenance
And aerospace.
Transport Industries
• For mechanical maintenance, motors, and maintenance of interiors
cars, buses, coaches, etc
• For maintenance of vehicles: mechanical, interior etc
Nuclear Industries
• Cleaning for metrology, for non-destructive testing, before
And after Penetrant with tracers etc