Even if Microsoft has taken the plunge and has stealthily entered the cannabis market, other technology giants such as Google and Apple have also accumulated rumors that link them to the legal marijuana industry.
At a decisive moment, as legalization advances at an uncontrollable pace in the US, it seems that large technology companies do not want to be excluded from the market. We will talk about the current state of affairs and the future that awaits them.
In June 2016, Microsoft became the first technology giant to land in the cannabis market. And this is very discreet, without any controversy at Kind Financials, a company that offers a software suite for the marketing and monitoring of cannabis production.
Other technological actors
While Microsoft is the only giant that has officially entered the cannabis industry in the meantime, many other technology companies are also accumulating rumors that link them to the marijuana market.
At the end of January 2017, Apple was awarded the patent for a vaporizer that has aroused suspicions in the cannabis world. Even though the documents do not specifically mention marijuana, the patented device had a moving plate to heat, which was located on the substance and decreased as the vaporization progressed. According to the experts, this system would make much more sense for the consumption of cannabis because it would allow a constant vaporization since the element that brings the heat (this mobile plate) would always remain near what is left of this substance.
Because of this system, this kind of vaporizer could work with liquid extracts of flowers, but it seems that it would get better results with oils or solid products, such as a little cannabis prepared as it should be. However, is this patent a camouflaged “iVape”? The Company’s track record with the cannabis industry does not bode well and seems to indicate otherwise. Of course, Apple will have to up their game to match other vaporizer manufacturers already established on the market such as Firefly Vapor and their best seller the test firefly 2 vaporisateur.
The case of Google
For its part, Google either has not been spared by rumors about its possible entry into the cannabis industry. One month after Microsoft’s announcement, a company executive of LivWell Enlightened Health, one of the largest cannabis retail chains in the US, said the company’s most popular search engine owner of the whole internet had come in contact with them to find possible ways of collaboration.
Exciting times ahead in this industry!