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Analogue’s engineers are a little crazy and completely obsessive, and their latest obsession has the look of a 21st-century Game Boy version.

When the world of retrogaming is driven by emulation, i.e., the “almost” reproduction of the behavior of old machines on the current processors of our PCs and other Raspberry Pis, analog engineers develop real FPGA-based consoles. Programmable chips that behave (almost) exactly like the original chips.

Beyond Game Boy

In addition to Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance cartridges, Pocket also manages more exotic console cartridges such as the Sega Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket Color, and Atari Lynx. To enjoy these non-Nintendo cartridges, you will need to purchase a special adapter sold by Analogue.

The Analogue Pocket will have, as an optional accessory, a dock to connect the console to a TV in the same way as the Switch. You can play with physical controllers by connecting them to the two USB ports of the TV dock or via Bluetooth with any controller (Analogue recommends 8bitdo pads). You may never have imagined you could play your original “Super Mario Land 2” cartridge on your 4K screen, but you can soon.

In addition to the console aspect, the system integrates its audio creation software (DAW, digital audio workstation) called “Nanoloop.” An application like the Impulse Tracker that allows you to compose and play music live. Teamtendo’s nostalgic fans will appreciate it.

Not quite your average GameBoy

The latest Analogue console is called Pocket and does not use any of the design codes of the original console, which saves a lot of trouble with Nintendo, which is very straddling its intellectual property. Although 100% compatible with the Game Boy (and other consoles as we will see), its electronics are much more powerful and more modern. The display has nothing to envy smartphones since with its 1600 x 1440 dot resolution on an 8.9 cm diagonal. It offers an image resolution of 615 PPI. The device includes its li-ion battery that charges in USB-C, as well as a 3.5 mm headphone output and the famous link plug that allowed you to connect two consoles to play Tetris as a duo.

On the button side, the console doubles the initial controls – an equivalent A,B,X,Y instead of the two buttons A and B of the original machine – plus a directional cross, and three buttons, two of which are assumed to serve as Start and Select and the third as the main menu call button.

No ROMS (in theory)

The console also includes a Micro SD slot but probably more for saving music than for video games. Because the Pocket “is not compatible with ROMS” and all other accessories of the kind, we learn on the Analogue website. If it is not unimaginable that this ROMS’ management function can be activated/hacked afterward, it is not the will of the creators of Pocket. And we believe them, these hardware freaks.

The Pocket Analogue will be available in 2020 (without further details) for $199. The price of the dock and adapters will be announced in 2020.

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The new firmware for the Samsung Galaxy S9+ is under development. The Korean manufacturer’s new interface is built on Android 9 Pie. On the program, a dark theme, gestures, and many other new additions are coming.

Android 9 Pie is already available on a handful of smartphones, and many more will be brought to you by the end of the year 2018. Samsung has remained very discreet on this subject and has not yet revealed its roadmap for updating its terminals. Nevertheless, work is progressing in the premises of the number one telephone company.

It gives you a first idea of the new features that will arrive on the phone, but also on the Galaxy S9, the Galaxy Note 9, and certainly part of the Galaxy A range.

Dark theme and Android Pie

There is a lot of new stuff, according to the impressions, starting with the overall aesthetics of the system. Samsung Experience 10 brings a new dark theme to the range, adapted to the AMOLED screens. It is also possible to set it in the settings to define a time slot during which this “night mode” will be active.

The whole is rounded, with a card-shaped design, very Material Design, for notifications, some widgets, and even phone settings. The same goes for the quick settings that are now rounded, such as on Google’s Android Pie version.

Finally, we should note that the lock screen is also becoming soberer and the icons of fast applications are giving way to text and a thin colored bar, while the menu for recent applications adopts Google’s horizontal scrolling with full maps and an application dock at the bottom of the screen.

New gestures

In the parameters, we find more or less the same functions as before, always with a better-delimited design in the form of maps. Let us note, however, the presence of a new gesture, hitherto absent at Samsung, the “lift to wake” that wakes up the phone when we lift the smartphone.

But the most exciting thing is the appearance of navigation by gestures, different from that found on Android Pie or other manufacturers. The slides all take place from the bottom of the screen and must start where the action button on the navigation bar is typical. So, to go back, you have to slide your finger on the left side of the screen while to open recent applications, it is the right side that matters.

System applications

Native phone applications also received a little polish. In bulk, we can mention the Dialer, the SMS application, Bixby, but also emails, the camera, the gallery, the browser or the file explorer.

Overall, the goal is to standardize the design of the entire system with rounded corner cards and if possible a dark theme.

For the moment, it is only a version under development, unstable and incomplete. Nevertheless, the existence of firmware with this level of finishing in September is a rather good sign regarding the progress of the project, and we can hope for a first beta soon enough.

Remember that Google could skip the “9.1” version of Android this year and that the next major update of the system Android Q is expected.

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Uber has signed a partnership with Nasa to collaborate in the development of its UAV taxi service. The company hopes to test it by 2020. The U. S. Space Agency will work on a system to regulate the traffic of these autonomous spacecraft.

Uber hopes to conquer the airways as he did on earth with his VTC service. To do this, the company is working on a project of vertical take-off and landing drones that will be able to transport passengers on short urban routes. At this week’s Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, the company announced that it has signed an agreement with NASA to move the project forward.

According to the American channel CNBC, which relayed the information, Uber signed a Space Act Agreement with the space agency for the development of a low-level autonomous aircraft traffic management system. According to the document published by Nasa, which we consulted, the agreement for an amount of $376,000 (approximately’ 323,000 at the current rate) was signed in January 2017 and will expire in January 2022.

Uber wants flying taxis for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics

No specific details are given as to the work that NASA will do and how Uber will use it for its service called UberAir (formerly Uber Elevate). But we know that the U. S. Space Agency has been working on this technology and testing it with UAVs since last year. The main idea of the concept is to create geo-recorded air corridors to distribute the different types of drones: leisure, delivery, taxis…

The stated objective is to make the UberAir service operational before the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The company is targeting an initial fare for a race that is only slightly higher than a UberX car ride. The first trials are scheduled to start in 2020 in several major cities: Los Angeles and Dallas in the United States and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Uber’s working on a drone taxi concept.

The Uber driver-assisted transport vehicle service revealed that he was working on a vertical take-off and landing UAV project that could carry passengers on short urban routes. Surprisingly, the idea is not new.

Ten years from now, when you draw your smartphone to order a Uber, it may not arrive by road, but by air! The service of transport vehicle with driver (VTC) has just revealed that he was working on the idea of an autonomous UAV with vertical take-off and landing.

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To be accepted by the seller and contribute to his productivity, software must be its extension. Ergonomics, mobility, rapid handling, and always robustness and adaptability to new business applications are the conditions for an efficient man-machine duo.

No more right-clicking in some new store software! Instead, sellers have only one “swipe” to perform. Nothing more natural when you’re used to the experience of a smartphone but a cultural revolution to accomplish for software publishers.

tech can help mankind

Gone are the days when users were looking for software functionality in the menu maze. Today, we are making sure that we can offer them as we navigate.

Listen and learn

This new ergonomics responds to a new development process. It begins with the observation of client behavior. Not project managers but end users, directly on the sales floor.

The next step leads to the creation of models designed to position the large visual cues on the pages. The models are then “designed” or concretized and passed in dynamic mode. Then comes the time to pass them on to the development teams so that they can give birth to the product.

Setting up the ergonomics and construction of the navigation logic, graphics at various stages, the editor takes care to submit his solution to users “testers.”

Pushing the right information at the right time

the power of new techThis new way of working offers many benefits. The resulting IT solutions are faster to handle because they are more intuitive than those of previous generations.

They are therefore better accepted by users in a sector, distribution, where turnover is high. When you start a computer project if you only bring technology to the shop your tools end up in a closet. If you don’t put forward the human being, so the seller, it’s lost in advance.

Making technology work for people

Productivity is also at this price. In stores where customers come today to try and compare products, vendors expect software that supports them in their advisory role.

It is up to the application to push the right information at the right time towards the seller. When you give a salesperson a technological tool, he or she perceives it primarily as a constraint. And if the tool does not allow it to offer more products and be more relevant in its discourse, it is useless!

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We received many emails lately regarding the crazy surrounding cryptocurrency markets and the whole Blockchain technology.

For those of you who know nothing about these electronic currencies, it is sort of a decentralized peer to peer network where everyone can have access and read the transactions beeing made at a point in time.

The leading currency is the infamous Bitcoin that has been around since it’s creation by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008!

There are many other new coins coming to the market these days as the market is literally exploding.

Watch this video to find more:

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Even if Microsoft has taken the plunge and has stealthily entered the cannabis market, other technology giants such as Google and Apple have also accumulated rumors that link them to the legal marijuana industry.

At a decisive moment, as legalization advances at an uncontrollable pace in the US, it seems that large technology companies do not want to be excluded from the market. We will talk about the current state of affairs and the future that awaits them.

In June 2016, Microsoft became the first technology giant to land in the cannabis market. And this is very discreet, without any controversy at Kind Financials, a company that offers a software suite for the marketing and monitoring of cannabis production.

Other technological actors

While Microsoft is the only giant that has officially entered the cannabis industry in the meantime, many other technology companies are also accumulating rumors that link them to the marijuana market.

At the end of January 2017, Apple was awarded the patent for a vaporizer that has aroused suspicions in the cannabis world. Even though the documents do not specifically mention marijuana, the patented device had a moving plate to heat, which was located on the substance and decreased as the vaporization progressed. According to the experts, this system would make much more sense for the consumption of cannabis because it would allow a constant vaporization since the element that brings the heat (this mobile plate) would always remain near what is left of this substance.

Because of this system, this kind of vaporizer could work with liquid extracts of flowers, but it seems that it would get better results with oils or solid products, such as a little cannabis prepared as it should be. However, is this patent a camouflaged “iVape”? The Company’s track record with the cannabis industry does not bode well and seems to indicate otherwise. Of course, Apple will have to up their game to match other vaporizer manufacturers already established on the market such as Firefly Vapor and their best seller the test firefly 2 vaporisateur.

The case of Google

For its part, Google either has not been spared by rumors about its possible entry into the cannabis industry. One month after Microsoft’s announcement, a company executive of LivWell Enlightened Health, one of the largest cannabis retail chains in the US, said the company’s most popular search engine owner of the whole internet had come in contact with them to find possible ways of collaboration.

Exciting times ahead in this industry!

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Wannacry, a virus that hurts

Wannacry, a virus that hurts

Posted By on May 31, 2017

In mid-May, more than 150 countries were targeted by the large-scale computer attack that used the WannaCry virus. This malware was a ransomware that blocked user files in exchange for a Bitcoin amount. North Korea was once suspected, but now experts seem to be turning to a group of people from the southern region of China.

It was the US security firm Flashpoint that analyzed the malware WannaCry. According to her, the linguistic analysis of the virus would have revealed that the software was written by a Chinese who speaks a southern dialect. For Flashpoint, it was thanks to a lack of input that she was able to reach this conclusion.

virus spreading on the web

Indeed, the message displayed on infected computers was first written in Chinese and then translated into English. Then, using automatic translators, the hackers who hide behind this attack were able to get 26 texts written in different languages. The report also asserts that the English version is of better quality than a text drafted by an automatic translator.

Experts believe that random emails in foreign languages ​​would have been translated into Google Translate by taking the text in English as a reference.

Finally, the message written in Chinese contains the word “libai,” a dialect version of the word “the week” which is often used in southern China and surrounding islands. Flashpoint, therefore, believes with high confidence that the language used for the ransom demand “is consistent with that used in the south of the country, in Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore,” but “familiar with English.” Except for Chinese language specialists, the presence of a dialect word such as “libai” can not be reliable evidence since it is also used in northern China.

In short, you will understand, we are still far from finding the person(s) responsible and even less the sponsors if there are any!

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If you are a fan of YouTube videos and always forages on the latest trending videos on this platform, then you surely are annoyed with video annotations. Students use YouTube to look for videos for their subjects and it is kind of annoying when unnecessary sections pop up on the screen. There was a certain community forum where users of YouTube argued about the pros and cons of video annotations. The results of the debate lead to annotations being removed in the user options on the website but videos with annotations already will remain.

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Virtual Reality creating a virtual world based on an environment from the real world. This form of technology utilizes complex computer programs that allow the users to view, feel, and hear the real world portrayed in a virtual world. VR started in games where the players have an intangible experience of a certain façade even in the comfort of their homes. Then VR reaches aspects of business, health, etc and allowed multiple changes to happen in these fields, thus, creating a better future.

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Here are some of the coolest and the newest technologies in the world from different fields; medicine, automotive, gaming, business, socialization, etc.

Reverse Paralysis
Paralysis has been of the less incurable disease of human beings mainly for heart attacks, brain failure, or vein clots. People with paralysis almost always stay as paralyzed until they die. With the advancement of technology, doctors and scientist have now discovered ways on how to reverse the paralysis. They utilized a certain technology placed on the brain that suffices the energy, blood, and sensorial needs of the paralyzed brain. This technology was first tried with paralyzed animals and after a couple of trials yielded successful results.

Smart Trucks
Smart Truck is one of the greatest breakthroughs in the mobile world. We all know that almost 50% of road accidents and casualties are caused by trucks colliding with each other or trucks crashing onto stores, killing human beings. Smart Trucks can drive using an autopilot system matched with a super hold breaking mechanism that instantly stops a 100 km/hr speed which prevents crashes and accidents.

Face Payments
Payments using the faces of people presented on a face detector are being pushed in China. This system requires a bank account and a face detector on every ATM site. This will prevent criminals from stealing money from their victim’s bank account.

Powerful Computers
Computers have been undergoing a certain changing pattern. However, last year, the most powerful computer called Quantum Computer was created by Google. It serves as a data storage that can accept an infinite number of data and can perform infinite commands from several users at once.

Full Round Selfie
A Selfie refers to an action of a certain lone person capturing himself in his camera. The newest trend in this field is the 360 degrees Selfie wherein the users can capture himself and a full round view background. Facebook and some other social networks are supporting this type of images or videos.

Solar Cells
In the field of energy creation, Solar cells are one of the coolest technologies created. Around cell employed with a solar panel creates and an infinitesimal amount of energy. Although there are still a lot of complications in the processing and conversion of energy, Solar Cells will power up the entire world in the near future.

Therapy of Genes
Diseases caused by genetic mutation or genetic disorders are being studied at this instant. A scientist has created several aids to this particular matter yet everything is unsuccessful. With the help of technology, they created a device that removes disabilities on the genes themselves. This device is yet to come to the public but it surely gives hope to those cancer patients who got their diseases in their genetic factors.

Robotic Maids
Ever wanted a maid whom you can order around without limit? Then say hello to the newest robotic maid. This robotic maid is currently in progressed on the Technological center of the world, Japan. The maid is a real life human robot that was programmed to help human beings in their household needs.

Head Transplant Simulators
Transplanting a whole head is a very dangerous operation that has only 1 chance of success. With the virtual reality simulator, doctors have been practicing a head transplant for people who have incurable tumors and other diseases in the head.

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As players, we aim to have the best experience in playing with the games we love. For players of Nintendo Switch, you need to have these cool items for a better and more memorable experience

  • Controller Professional-the controller pro will be different from other controllers for it has longer battery life and is motion sensor ready.
  • Grip Kit (Joy Con)
  • Folio Cover- cover your Nintendo switch instead of using screen protectors for a more comfortable experience.
  • Travel Bag- be ready to travel together with your device.
  • Card Case
  • Adapter
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Facetime is an application that allows users to take videos of themselves and send it to other users or family members. It also has a live video content that gives users the ability to interact with people from different countries. Facetime was created by Apple Incorporation, thus, its availability is limited to IOS users only. Steve Jobs announced the implementation of the app in Iphone4 for the month of January 2010 at the AWDC or the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. The name was originally from Facetime Communication but apple bought its name and the company changed its original name to Actiance, Inc.

The problem with these is that almost 70 percent of gadgets use android phones and downloading Facetime won’t be of use. Instead of using Facetime, android users can utilize these 5 best alternatives that replace Facetime or are even greater than the application.

Skype is an app that allows the user to instantly message their friends, family, co-workers, and much more above others. It also allows them to send videos, pictures, etc. Skype allows audio and video conference calls. In the early years of Skype, the conversation is only between two opposite ends. However, as the years passed by, it evolved into a more convenient app that gives users the ability to make conference calls and videos. Skype was developed by Microsoft Corporation using Skype Technologies. The original authors of this application are Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn and were released on August 29, 2003. Skype was first available in personal computers but later on advances in mobile devices which makes the lives of people more convenient and easy.

Facebook Messenger
Facebook is one of the widely engaged social networking platforms that present user generated information to other people. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, who was once an inspiring programmer yet now a multi-billionaire. Facebook was only available on online sites in the first years but later on, it emerged in portable devices like smartphones, etc; then a Facebook messenger came. Facebook messenger is the best communication tool for Facebook users around Asia, Europe, and some parts of America. Facebook messenger can be run even using mobile data. This means that you only need the app, a SIM card (for data) and a smartphone to communicate with other people.

Viber is one of the oldest messaging apps together with Skype. It exploits the user’s mobile phone number. Instead of using the built-in messaging app of your phone, you can download Viber. It is way better than any built in messaging and allows users to send images. However, video messaging requires a strong connection to the internet.

Kik is popular amongst European and Asian people. It shares same features with the other mentioned messaging app. However, the good thing about this app is that it allows the users to forage for some friends to chat with making it easier to communicate and find new friends.

Snapchat was created by students of Stanford University who planned to make their school connected with each other. This messaging app focuses solely on sending videos and images but instantly deletes it after 24 hours.

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